[Interiors, Olcott, Music Room.]
[Interiors, Olcott, Dining Room.]
[Interiors, Miss N. Munroe, Music Room.]
Interiors, Theodore Havemeyer House, Music Room.
[Interiors, Olcott, Drawing Room.]
[Interiors, Chauncey M. Depew, Music Room.]
[Interiors, Farrand, Music Room.]
Portrait, Hyde Ball at Sherry's.
[Interiors, Mr. Henderson, Sitting Room.]
[Interiors, Mrs. Frank Leslie, Drawing Room.]
Interiors, Mrs. Leoni, Dining Room.
Residences, Mrs. Watson Barratt, Interior of Music Room.
Interior, United Novelty Works.
Residence, Mrs. Frank Leslie.
Interiors, Mrs. Leoni, Parlor.
Interiors: Chinese Room, 1894, Theo Havemeyer, SW Cor. 38th and Madison Ave.