Street Scenes, Sixth Avenue North from 15th St.
[Sixth Avenue Looking North from Above 15th St.]
Street Scenes - 1903, Sixth Ave - North from 24th St.
Street Vendors, 1900. 20th St. at 6th Ave.
Street Scenes - 1900, 36th St. Bet. Broadway & 6th Ave.
[Sixth Avenue Looking North from 16th Street.]
Street Scenes, Sixth Avenue at 20th Street.
Christmas 6th Ave. [Sixth Avenue Looking South from Below 22nd Street.]
Street Vendors, 1898 Hester St.
Street Scenes - 1898. Mulberry St. Street Vendors.
Street Scenes, 1899, Herald Sq. 6th Ave. No. from 35th St.
Fifth Avenue and 15th Street.
6th Ave & 23rd St.
[Sixth Avenue Looking South from Above 20th Street.]
Street Scenes, 1899, Fifth Ave. No. from 59th St.
Street Scenes - 1898. 119th St. No. Side - Madison to Park Aves.
Herald Bldg. 36th St. [W. 36th St. Looking East from Broadway.]
Street & Smith, Seventh Ave. & 15th St.