Street Scenes, 1901, 5th Ave. 60st to 60th Sts (Gerry House).
Street Scenes, 1900, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 61st St.
Street Scene, 1900, Fifth Avenue 60th to 61st Sts.
Club, Metropolitan, Fifth Ave. & 60th Street. (Gerry Res.).
Metropoliten Club, 5th Ave. 60th St.
Street Scenes - 1897, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 65th St.
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue & 60th Street.
Eldridge T. Gerry, 5th Ave., Metropolitan Club.
Street Scenes, 1905, Fifth Ave. 59th to 60th Sts. from West 59th St.
Street Scene - 1900, Fifth Ave. at 68th St.
Street Scenes - May 1930, Fifth Ave. E. Side at 60 St.
Street Scenes - 1901, Fifth Ave. No. from 74th St.
Windsor Arcade,1902, 5th Ave. N.E. Cor. 46th St.
Street Scene, 1899, 5th Ave. & 61st St. (Gerry House).
Street Scenes, Fifth Aveue About 1901. South from 67th Street.
Street Scenes - 1900, Fifth Ave. S.E. Cor. 64th St.
Street Scenes, 1905, Fifth Ave. - 59th to 60th Sts.
800 5th Ave. 61st St.
[Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co., Fifth Ave. and 60th St., N.Y.]