For Submission to the Electors of the City of New York at the General Election to be Held November 7, 1967, of a Local Law to Amend the City Charter
Dignity - New York
All Respectable People are Against War
Join the Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam
Anti-Vietnam-War Demonstration, New York, 1970
End the War in Vietnam Now!
Official Emblem April 27th 1968 Peace Parade
Democrats for Keating
Manhattan Bridge at Night Against Midtown Skyline, New York City
You Can Say "No!" to the Draft, to the War in Vietnam
Bob Wagner Jr. for Borough President
Washington Square Protest
Had Enough War?? Come to a Walk for Love and Peace and Freedom
Pro-Vietnam-War Demonstration, New York, 1970
The Only Answer to the Vietnam War
An Appeal to the Conscience of the American People: Stop the killing in Vietnam Now!
Panoramic view of the world's largest city from the Observatory of New York's Empire State Building
Take Back The Power! Schermerhorn-Allen-Toussaint- Elect New Directions in '97