World War II Recruiting Poster
Don Freeman's Newsstand [World War II political cartoon.]
Army Uniforms--World War II
Allies for a Big Job
[Painting of a World War II scene by Reginald Marsh.]
1943 War Year; Happy New Year
Look at the fine print, Sam.
Exit the Axis
[Woman getting fingerprinted at the City of New York War Identification Bureau.]
War Against Fires of War
War Savings Stamps
The Plan for Distributing War Ration Book One for Individual Consumers
[Governor Hebert H. Lehman during a radio address after the first day of the draft for World War II.]
Penn Station [Soldiers returning home from World War II.]
Penn Station [Sailors returning home from World War II.]
British War Relief Society of America
The Heroes #29 Eugenie Vimardier
The Heroes #11 Ola Nordmann
Penn Station [Soldier returning home from World War II.]