Farewell night of the Italian opera and benefit of Signor Salvi who will appear for the first and only time as Edgardo in “Lucia di Lammermoor”, Friday evening, September 19
Wednesday evening, August 23, joint benefit of Max Maretzek and Mme. Bertucca Maretzek, the grand opera of "Lucrezia Borgia"
Three prima donnas, Mme. H. Sontag, Sigra. Steffanone and Amelia Patti Strakosch will appear in "Don Giovanni", Monday, August 22
Friday, August 19, Bellini's opera of "Norma"
Artist's union. Last week but one of the Italian opera. Saturday, January 31, positively last night of the grand opera of "Norma". Signora Bosio will sustain the part of Adalgisa
Last night of the season but five, "I Puritani", Monday, December 8, 1851
Monday evening, November 24, 1851, will be performed Verdi's grand opera in four acts, of "Ernani"
Jullien's concerts at Castle Garden. 19th grand concert, vocal and instrumental, for the benefit of Herr Koenig, Monday evening, September 19, 1853
For the benefit of Miss White, the opera, "Inkle and Yarico", Monday evening, June 16, 1806
Italian opera at Astor Place. 18th subscription night. Mlle. Celeste
M. Jullien has the honor to announce that his 23rd and last concert but one at Castle Garden will take place this Friday evening, September 23, 1853
For the benefit of Mr. Sinclair, and his last appearance, prior to his departure for Boston, "The National Guard; or, Bride or No Bride", on Friday evening, April 6
The Brough complimentary benefit, Thursday evening, January 23. First act of "Fra Diavolo", grand miscellaneous concert, last scene of "Anna Bolena" and the drama "Poor Pillicoddy"
F. Palmo's benefit, second act of Donizetti's "Belisario", Friday evening, June 14
First appearance of the celebrated prima donna of L'Opera Comique, Madame Anna Thillon, as La Catrina in "Crown Diamonds", Monday evening, March 15
Castle Garden in 1850.
Last night but two of the last engagement of Mr. Kemble, and Miss Fanny Kemble this season. "Francis the First", Monday evening, June 3
Isidora Clark, in selections from "La Favorita", "Ernani", "I Puritani", "Nabucodonosor" and "Lucia di Lammermoor", Tuesday evening, June 12
Mr. Macready, first night of his farewell engagement, in "Hamlet", Monday evening, September 16, 1844
M. Jullien has the honor to announce that his fifteenth grand concert, vocal & instrumental, in the United States of America, will take place this Wednesday evening, September 14, 1853