Nieuw Amsterdam op t Eylant Manhattans
New Amsterdam (Now New-York)
Nieuw Amsterdam ofte Nue Nieuw Iorx opt ' Teylant man
Nieu Amsterdam
Afbeeldinge Van de Stadt Amsterdam in Nieuw Neederlandt [The Castello Plan.]
A View of the City of NEW-YORK from Brooklyn Heights, in 1798 by Monsieur C.B. Julien, de St. Memin with a Pantograph Invented by Himself
New York Harbor
South Prospect of the City of New York.
New York About 1626-8. The Hartgers View, Amsterdam, 1651
Nova Amsteldam
Bay of New York, from the Battery
New York
Panoramic View of New York [The Havell North River View.]
Battery [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]
A South-West View of the City of New York Taken from the Governors Island
Panoramic View of New York
The South Prospect of the City of New York in North America