[French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Engineers.]
[S.S. "Normandie", Chief Engineer Jean Hazard and Some of his Officers.]
French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Pier #88 N.R., Group, Chief Chef, Gaston Magrin and His Staff of Cooks.
French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Pier #88 N.R., Group, Most of the Crew Grouped on the Bow & Bridge.
Ships, French Line, S.S. "Normandie".
French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Chief Wine Steward in His Office.
[French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Deck.]
[French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Champagne.]
[French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Purser Henry Villar.]
[S.S. "Normandie", Chief Wine Steward.]
French Line, Copy, Painting of S.S. "Normandie" by B. Latham Kidder.
[Officers of the "Normandie", June 16th 1936.]
French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Pier #88 N.R., Tourist Class, Interior, Gymnasium.
[French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Cameramen on Bridge.]
French Line, S.S. "Paris", Group of Thirty-six Chef Purveyor and Cooks.