Theatrical, Stage Doors, Criterion, Empire, Casino, Hudson.
Empire Theatre, Stage Door.
Street Scenes - 1904. 44th St. No. Side Looking E. from Broadway. Criterion Theatre Stage Door. (Theatre 1514 Broadway. Hudson Theatre 139 West 44).
Stage Door - Casino Theatre 1904, 39th Street, East of Broadway.
Theatrical, Rehearsals, Various Plays and Actors.
Street Scenes - 1904. W. 44th St. No. Side Bet. Broadway & 6th Ave. Hudson Theatre.
Theatrical, Stage Hands, Female Stage Hands and Bill Posters.
Theatrical, Box Office American Theatre, Mr. Gane Treas.
Theatre, Casino, 39th St. & Broadway.
Theatrical, Ned Wayburn's Rehearsal 'Town Topics'.
Theatrical, Olga Nethersole Souvenir of Victory, Female Ticket Taker.