Reading the Scriptures
Darktown Sports - A Grand Spurt.
Life in the Camp.
The Prodigal Son in Misery.
Oyster Paddy.
The Champion Slugger.
Life and Age of Man. Stages of Man's Life from the Cradle to the Grave.
The Old Oaken Bucket.
The Aesthetic Craze.
The Parson's Colt.
Scenery of Wicklow, Ireland.
An Affair of Honor - The Critical Moment.
REVIK [Page in TRUE's black book.]
The Darktown Hunt - Presenting the Brush.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Slightly Demoralized.
Valentine: I'm a Peace Lovin' Citizen
Flora Temple and Princess.
Gallant Charge of the "Sixty Ninth"
The Most Rev. John Hughes, D. D. First Archbishop of New York.;