449-453 West 123rd Street. The Benmore Apartment Houses.
West 179th Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. Apartment house.
98 Morningside Avenue, between 122nd and 123rd Street. Rodna Apartments.
180 Claremont Avenue at the N.E. corner of West 125th Street. The Springfield Apartment House.
3505 Broadway at the corner of West 143rd Street. Apartment house.
West 141st Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. Apartment house [with businesses on the ground floor].
Broadway at the N.E. corner of 88th Street. Apartment house.
183rd Street at the N.E. corner of Ft. Washington Avenue. Ft. Tryon Arms Apartments
West End Avenue at the N.E. corner of 83rd Street. Apartment house.
East 176th Street at the N.E. corner of Mt. Hope Avenue. Apartment house.
West 135th Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. General exterior.
Broadway at the corner of West 162nd Street. Apartment house.
615 West 162nd Street at the N.E. corner of Ft. Washington Avenue. Yorktown Court Apartment House.
535 West 123rd Street. Jewish Theological Seminary, library interior.
136th Street at the corner of Broadway. The William Henry Apartment House.
Riverside Drive at the S.E. corner of West 113th Street. Apartment house.
115th Street at the S.W. corner of Morningside Avenue. Apartment house.
468 Riverside Drive at the corner of 119th Street. Concord Hall Apartment House.
116th Street at the S.W. corner of Morningside Avenue. Apartment house.