The Bridge of Sighs connecting the Tombs and Criminal Court Building, Centre St., New York.
Criminal Court Building and the Bridge of Sighs, N. Y.
Criminal Court and Bridge of Sighs, New York.
[Bridge of Sighs, the Tombs.]
Under the Bridge of Sighs [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
[Tombs and Criminal Court Building.]
[The Tombs and the Criminal Court Building.]
Bridge of Sighs. Tombs Prison. Centre Street.
[Criminal Court Building, entrance to tombs on 1M floor.]
Criminal Court Building, Franklin & Centre Streets, 1903
Bridge of Sighs. Tombs.
Criminal Court Building and Bridge of Sighs, New York.
[Criminal Courts Building, 100 Centre Street.]
Bridge of Sighs, New York.
[Criminal Courts Building.]
["The Tombs".]
[Criminal Courts Building, bridge on 3rd floor.]
[Criminal Court Building, Bridge on 3rd floor from court house to district attorney office.]
[Criminal Court Building, staircase.]