[Riverside Drive looking north toward Grant's Tomb]
Riverside Drive and Grants Tomb.
Grant's Tomb.
[Back of grandstand at the opening of Grant's Tomb]
Grant's Tomb, Riverside Drive, N.Y.
Grant's Tomb - May 30, 1893.
[Cart passing near arch at opening of Grant's Tomb]
New Woman - Riverside Drive.
Dedication of Grant's Tomb 1897.
Grant's Tomb, Riverside Drive, recently completed.
[Cart passing near arch at the opening of Grant's Tomb]
Riverside Drive and Grant's Tomb, New York.
Grant's Tomb, Riverside Drive, New York.
Crowds at the Parade at Grant's Tomb
For Grant's Tomb [empty grandstand advertising tickets]
Grant's Tomb, Riverside Drive, New York City.
[Group of people in front of Grant's Tomb]