[Art Gallery, 215 W. 57th St., 1905.]
Art Gallery, 215 West 57th Street, Painting Exhibit.
215 West 57th Street. Fine Arts Building [Art Students League].
Residence, Mrs. Paran Stevens, N.E. 57th & 5th Ave. Leader of 400.
Carnegie Lyceum, 57th St. & Seventh Ave., Interior.
119 East 57th Street. Terrace Gardens Gallery. Ruth Yates sculpture show
Residence, Cornelius Vanderbilt, N.W. Corner 57th St. & Fifth Ave.
Street Scenes, 1897-8, Fifth Ave., 57th to 59th Sts.
Street Scene Fifth Avenue Looking South from Between 57th & 58th Sts. Showing Intersection at 57th St.
Cornelius Vanderbilt Residence, West 57th St., Building from N.E.
[Sutton Place Apartments, 57th St., N.Y.]
Buildings, Sutton Place Apartments, 57th St. N.Y.
Bird's Eye View, S.W. from 57th Street & 5th Avenue.
Buildings, Heckscher Building, 5th Ave. & 57th St.
[East Side of Fifth Ave. from 57th to 56th Sts.]
Sutton Place South, 57th and 58th Streets.
Sutton Place and 57th Street.