[Broadway between Prince and Houston Streets.]
227-229 West Houston Street.
Broadway and Houston Street [Broadway & Howard Street to Broadway & 10th Street]
[496-498 West Broadway.]
[Excavation for Houston Street Power House on West Houston Street near Mercer Street.]
[East side of Hudson Street looking south from Clarkson Street to W. Houston Street.]
[Broadway between Prince to Houston Streets.]
[468 West Broadway.]
Broadway, north to Houston Street.
304 Houston Street
West Houston Street [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
[West side of Hudson Street, looking north from W. Houston Street to Clarkson.]
[Spring Street and West Broadway.]
W Bway & Prince Looking South
[Looking east on Broome Street at intersection of West Broadway and Watts Street.]
[Old houses on southwest corner of Hudson Street annd West Houston Street.]