[Interiors-Bedroom, Nat. Conservatory of Music, 47 & 49 W. 25th St.]
[Interiors-Drawing Room, Nat. Conservatory of Music, 47 & 49 W. 25th St.]
[National Conservatory of Music, 47 & 49 W. 25th St., 1905, Library.]
[National Conservatory of Music, 47 & 49 W. 25th St., 1905, Mrs. Thurber.]
National Conservatory of Music, Interior, Front Music Room.
Thurber, National Conservatory of Music.
National Conservatory of Music, Interior, Office.
[Interiors-Dining Room, Henry H. Taft, 38 W. 48th St.]
[National Conservatory of Music of America.]