Horses, Trick Horse of Emile at Koster & Bials 34th Street.
34th Street and Lexington Ave. N.Y. [Lexington Avenue. Looking South from 34th Street.]
Street Scenes, 1905, West 34th St. #38 to #60.
Theatre, Manhattan Opera House, West 34th Street.
[Lexington Avenue. 1899. Looking South from 34th Street.]
Street Scenes, 34th Street & 5th Avenue.
Street Scenes, Lexington Avenue & 34th Street.
Theatre, Music Hall, Koster & Bials, 34th Street & B'way.
[440 West 34th Street.]
Building, Marbridge Sixth Ave., 34th & 35th Sts.
34th St. Bet. 6th & 7th Ave. City.
Fifth Avenue and 34th-35th Streets.
Street Scene Looking South Down Fifth Ave. from 34th Street.
West 34th Street. Kitty Kelly, storefront
[Spear & Company building, 22 West 34th Street.]