903 Park Avenue and 79th Street. Apartment building.
39 East 79th Street and Madison Avenue, N.E. corner. Apartment house.
79 East 79th Street. Apartment building
161 East 79th Street. Apartment house.
39 East 79th Street at Madison Avenue, N.E. corner. Apartment building, exterior.
9 East 79th Street. Apartment building
16 East 79th Street.
West 79th Street at the corner Amsterdam Avenue. Apartment House, Hotel Lucerne.
1020 5th Avenue at 83rd Street, N.E. corner. Apartment House.
[Madison Avenue and 79th Street.]
Park Avenue at the N.E. corner of East 54th Street. Apartment house.
141 East 79th Street
[Looking toward apartment house 79 East 79th Street.]
521 Park Avenue and 60th Street, N.E. corner. Apartments.
901 Lexington Avenue at the N.E. corner of 67th Street. Apartment House.
21 East 79th Street. Apartment house.
1020 Madison Avenue and 22 East 79th Street.
310-316 West 79th Street. The Hereford and The Kelmscott Apartment Houses.