"Scotty" in his lair, a pile of abandoned lumber and wrecks up at the Harlem River.
"A Snug Corner on a Cold Night."
Shoemaker working in a house in the yard of 219 Broome Street, which the landlord built when the sanitary police put him out of the basement. Clatterpole sticks up through his house. Rent $12 a month.
A Child of the Dump.
In a Ludlow Street tenement lodging cellar.
2 a.m. in the delivery room in the "Sun" office.
Mountain Eagle and his Family of Iroquois Indians -- One of the few Indian families in the city, found at no. 6 Beach Street, Dec. 1895.
Street Arabs -- night boys in sleeping quarters.
Street Arabs -- night, Boys in sleeping quarter.
Lodging Room in the Leonard Street Police Station.
Children in "The Ship," destroyed by B. of Health in 1897, after the visit of Roosevelt & myself [Jacob A. Riis] there.
Organized Charity. Minding the Baby, "A little mother".