Funeral, General Booth Tucker Killed in 20th Cent. Express.
Funeral, General Booth Tucker Killed in 20th Cent. Express; 14th Street West from Fifth Avenue.
McAllister, Funeral.
Funeral, Henry George, Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn.
Funeral of Isaac E. Hoagland Turning into 48th St., N.Y.
Funeral of Icaac E. Hoagland of Old Guard N.Y.
[Funeral of Icaac E. Hoagland of Old Guard N.Y.]
Ward McAllister's Funeral 1895 Scene at Grace Church.
McAllister [Funeral.]
Coney Island, General Views [Side-show Booth].
[Funeral of Isaac E. Hoagland Turning into 48th St., N.Y.]
Charities, Salvation Army's National Headquarters.