18-20 West 21st Street. General exterior.
East 72nd Street at the S.E. corner of Park Avenue. General exterior.
96th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. General exterior.
55th Street at the S.E. corner of Madison Avenue. General exterior.
43rd Street and Broadway, S.E. corner. General exterior.
36th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Looking S.E.
76th Street at the S.E. corner of Park Avenue. General exterior.
24-26 East 21st Street.
588 Fox Street at the S.E. corner of St. John's Avenue. General exterior.
81st Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. General exterior.
2nd Avenue at the S.E. corner of 22nd Street. Building.
Detail of lower stories to 222 East 21st Street.
40 East 21st Street. General exterior.
[36-42 East 21st Street.]
West End Avenue at the S.E. corner of West 78th Street. General exterior.
Broadway at the S.E. corner of 56th Street. The Rockingham.
4th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 18th Street. General exterior.
245 5th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 28th Street. General exterior.
838 West End Avenue at the S.E. corner of 101st Street. General exterior.
View looking S.W. at easterly gable wall to 210-12 East 21st Street.