Untitled [Boy with dog, looking in window]
Untitled [Backyard of Rubble and Laundry]
Untitled [Boys playing in abandoned building]
Untitled [Small children on street]
Untitled [Boy feeding pigeons, Union Square]
Untitled [Man in turban surrounded by onlookers]
Untitled [In front of a home furnishings store]
Untitled [Couple sitting at base of statue, Union Square]
Untitled [Man in trench coat at crosswalk, near mailbox, Union Square]
Untitled [Men on park bench, Union Square]
Untitled [Man and woman in discussion, Union Square]
Untitled [Street vendors by Park. Ave. Viaduct]
Untitled [Couple on bench, Union Square]
Untitled [Tunnels under Park Ave. Viaduct]
Untitled [Men sitting on wall, Union Square]
Untitled [Man at Political Discussion, Union Square]
Untitled [Men in left-wing political discussion, Union Square]
Untitled [Teenagers on park bench, Union Square]