[Thomas Mitchell as Dr. Downer, Helen Gallagher in the title role, and John Howard as Wallace Cook in "Hazel Flagg".]
[Helen Gallagher in the title role of "Hazel Flagg".]
[Helen Gallagher in the title role and John Brascia as Willie in "Hazel Flagg".]
[John Brascia as Willie and Helen Gallagher in the title role of "Hazel Flagg".]
["Hazel Flagg" and "John Brown's Body" theater stills.]
["Hazel Flagg" theater still.]
[Thomas Mitchell as Bemis in "The Wisdom Tooth".]
[Harold Lang as Joey Evans, Helen Gallagher as Gladys Bumps and Vivienne Segal as Vera Simpson in "Pal Joey".]
[Thomas Mitchell as Rollie Evans and James Westerfield as Homer Fry in "Cut of the Axe".]