[Billie Barnes and Robert Preston in "Twentieth Century".]
["The Hidden River" theater still.]
["Holiday for Lovers" theater still.]
["The Music Man" theater still.]
["Do Re Mi" theater still.]
["Hotel Paradiso" theater still.]
["Garden District" theater still.]
["Portrait of a Madonna" and "Some Comments on the Harmful Effects of Tobacco" theater stills.]
["Mademoiselle Colombe" and "His and Hers" theater stills.]
["Midgie Purvis" theater still.]
["Gay Divorce" theater still.]
["Mr. Pickwick" theater still.]
["On the Twentieth Century" theater still.]
["Brigadoon" theater still.]
["The Most Happy Fella" theater still.]
["The Patriots" theater still.]
["High Button Shoes" theater still.]
["Horses in Midstream" theater still.]