42nd Street near Park Avenue. Lincoln Safe Deposit Co. Building.
Buildings, 50 East 42nd Street.
[50 East 42nd Street.]
Lincoln Safe Deposit Company, 32 E. 42nd St.
60 East 42nd Street. Lincoln Building. Interior, entrance lobby
[42nd Street.]
60 East 42nd Street. Lincoln Building. Interior, entrance lobby.
60 East 42nd Street. Lincoln building. View of lower stories
Merchantile Safe Deposit Co., 120 Broadway, c. 1904.
60 East 42nd Street. Lincoln Building. Hooker Electrochemical Company. Interior, office
East 42nd Street and Park Avenue. Pershing Square Building. Interior, seventh floor office
60 East 42nd Street. Lincoln Building. Hooker Electrochemical Company. Interior, offices
104 West 42nd Street near 6th Avenue. American Radiator Co. Building.
60 East 42nd Street. Lincoln Building. Interior, elevator cab
East 42nd Street and Park Avenue. Pershing Square Building. Inteior, seventh floor office light fixtures
Buildings, Bankers' Trust Co., Fifth Avenue & 42nd Street.
East 42nd Street. Lincoln Building.