Grand Street Settlement House, Jewish Woman in Her Seventies Learning to Write English.
Grand Street Settlement House, Children Learning to Play Cooperatively.
Union Settlement House, A Citizenship Class for Italian Women in Harlem.
Grand Street Settlement House, Nursery Child.
Grand Street Settlement House, Shop Crafts: Boat Shaping.
Grand Street Settlement House, Sister Helping Brother with His Shoes after Noon Nap.
Grand Street Settlement House, Lunchtime: Soup, Sandwich and Milk, Maybe Half a Canned Peach.
Grand Street Settlement House. Gibbs Memorial
Union Settlement House, Neighborhood Children Rehearsing Christmas Carols.
Union Settlement House, Arts and Crafts, Drawing from Models.
Union Settlement House, Summer Camper, Afternoon Milk Break.
Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service, Showing Husband How to Administer Insulin by Syringe to His Diabetic Wife.
Union Settlement House, Free Milk after School.
Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service, Home Visit to a Crippled Arthritic Woman.
Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service, Encouraging an Old Woman How to Manage Her Home Activities.
Union Settlement House, Summer Camp Hikers Resting with Counselors.
[Grand and Allen Streets.]
Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service, Care and Comfort for the Indigent.
University Settlement House, Eldridge & Rivington Sts.
Union Settlement House, Summer Campers, Rest Hour and Letter Writing Time.