Camp Moodna, Arts and Crafts.
Camp Moodna, "Who's Up First?"
Camp Moodna, "Look, a Fish".
Camp Moodna, Future Boxing Champs and Admirers.
Camp Moodna, No More Room for the Avid Fisherman.
Camp Moodna, "Remember the Rules and Come Out Fighting".
Camp Moodna, "Hey, a Bite!"
Camp Moodna, Admiring the Ways of a Turtle.
Camp Moodna, City Kids from the Lower East Side Avidly Fishing with Improvised Poles and String.
Union Settlement House, Summer Camp, Kitchen Detail, Peeling Potatoes and Story Time.
Union Settlement House, Summer Camp, Swim Counsellor and a Young Potential Swimming Champ.
Union Settlement House, Summer Camp Hikers Resting with Counselors.
Union Settlement House, Summer Camper, Afternoon Milk Break.
Union Settlement House, Summer Campers, Rest Hour and Letter Writing Time.
Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service, Rear of Chinese Hand Laundry, Father Greeting Nurse on a Routine Visit to See his Child.
Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service, Checking the Ears of a Chinese Infant.
Union Settlement House, Arts and Crafts, Drawing from Models.
Grand Street Settlement House, Children Learning to Play Cooperatively.
Union Settlement House, Free Milk after School.
Camp, Peekskill State Camp, Homestead, Pa. Strike.