Chicken and Herring Stores, Jewish Section near Seward High.
Admiring the Cluster of Newly Hatched Chicks in a Pet Shop Window.
Boy in Window.
Climbing Boys in a Gun Shoot-Out.
Orchard Street, Pushcarts and Silk Goods Stores.
Bowery Business Stores, near Cooper Square.
Barber College, Shave 10 Cents, Haircut 15 Cents.
[Store window.]
Cops and Robbers.
Job Hunting, Sixth Avenue Employment Agencies.
Bread, 5 Cents a Pound, Houston Street Bakery.
Soaking Wet Shoes, Sad Reflection of Punishment.
Community Service Society, Infant in a Basket Used for Transporting Around Grounds.
Job Seekers, Sixth Avenue Employment Agencies.
Atop a Fence and Away from It All.
Fence Scaling.
Cavorting over Abandoned Horse-Drawn Wagon.
Target Practice with Rocks.
Orchard Street Pushcarts.
Baseball Played on a Lot Cleared by Abandoned Building.