Italian Men Playing Bocce, Houston Street near First Avenue.
Bocci, Houston Street and First Avenue
Looking for Things Thrown Out with the Garbage on an Old Lot.
Baseball Played on a Lot Cleared by Abandoned Building.
Bread, 5 Cents a Pound, Houston Street Bakery.
Junk Collector Napping in His Cart under Central Savings Sign.
Cadillac, 3/4 view.
Street Playing, Monroe and Pelham Streets.
Auto, Cadillac with bumpers and bumperettes view 3/4 front.
Automobile (cars).
Playing House with Discarded Bricks and Pails.
Automobile (Cars).
[Bocce ball.]
[Men playing bocce in Peretz Square.]
In the Shadow of the Williamsburg Bridge, Monroe and Pelham Streets.