Envy, Shoeshine Boy Watching Wealthy Patrons Boarding a Horse and Buggie, Central Park South.
Shoeshine Boy in Deep Worried Thought.
[Central Park South.]
Hansom Cab [Two sailors and a woman in a horse-drawn carriage outisde the Plaza Hotel.]
[Central Park South and Fifth Avenue.]
Hansom Cab [Rosemarie de Paris horse-drawn delivery carriage.]
[Plaza Hotel and Central Park South.]
[Horse-Drawn Carriages on 59th Street.]
Central Park South
Horse-drawn Carriage.
5th Avenue West 58th Street. Central Park South. Plaza Hotel, bronze marquee on Central Park South.
Hansom Cab [Boy watching two sailors and a woman in a carriage outside the Plaza Hotel.]
Central Park South [Variant]
38 Central Park South