Looking for Things Thrown Out with the Garbage on an Old Lot.
Playing House with Discarded Bricks and Pails.
Abandoned Lot, South Bronx
Children Playing in a Vacant Lot
Children Playing in Lot
Cavorting over Abandoned Horse-Drawn Wagon.
unknown [Vacant lot and delapidated buildings.]
Children and a Vacant Lot
Vacant Lot
Children's Aid Society, Neighborhood Boys Watching a Game on Supervised Play.
Street Playing, Monroe and Pelham Streets.
Children Playing in Vacant Lot
People and a Vacant Lot
Pow-Wow on a Rickety Fence.
[Unidentified brick building next to rubble-strewn vacant lot.]
Harlem, Playing Improvised Dart Game on Wooden Street Fence.
Among the last residents, [an] African-American boy standing in rubble, his "neighborhood," with abandoned buildings in the background.
Bonfire Building.
Lonely Boy Sitting on a Stoop, Waiting for His Mother.
Boy on Fire Escape above a Littered Lot