Fire Escapes, Bedding and Clothes Lines
Transient Merchant Marines Washing and Drying Clothes.
Street Scene, Lower East Side.
Pow-Wow on a Rickety Fence.
People on Fire Escapes
Tenement Courtyard from Roof Looking Down
Backyard, Army Headquarters, Keep Out.
Cops and Robbers.
Bone Alley.
Backyards with Laundry Lines.
Untitled [Backyard of Rubble and Laundry]
Gathering of the Neighborhood Gang, Backyard Scene.
Wash Line between Two Tenements
Climbing Boys in a Gun Shoot-Out.
Outlawed rear tenements from Astor Memorial School, destroyed in 1897 by Board of Health.
Boy Climbing Fire Escape
[Backyards of tenements.]