Cornelius Vanderbilt Residence, West 57th St., Building from N.E.
[West Side of Fifth Ave. from 57th to 58th Sts.]
Residence of Cornelius Vanderbilt 1908 Fifth Ave. & West 58th Street.
[East Side of Fifth Ave. from 58th to 57th Sts.]
Houses - Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1908. Fifth Ave. S.W. Cor. 58th Street.
West Side of Fifth Ave. 57 to 58 Sts.
[East Side of Fifth Ave. from 57th to 56th Sts.]
Street Scenes, 1897-8, Fifth Ave., 57th to 59th Sts.
Street Scene Fifth Ave. South from 57th Street.
[Heckscher Building, Fifth Ave and 57th St. New York.]
[Heckscher Building, Fifth Ave. and 57th St., New York.]
Looking North on 5th Ave. from 51st St. N.Y. [Fifth Avenue Vanderbilt Residences on the Left].
Residence, N.W. Corner of 12th Street and Fifth Ave.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 58 to 57 Sts.
West 57th Street and Fifth Avenue. Whitney Residence
Buildings, Presbyterian Book Store, 156 Fifth Ave, N.W. Corner 20th St.
Buildings, Heckscher Building, 5th Ave. & 57th St.
Parlor - Mrs. Paran Stevens 1894, Northeast Corner of Fifth Ave. and 57th Street.
Residence, Mrs. Paran Stevens, N.E. 57th & 5th Ave. Leader of 400.