Interior, Carved Wood Chairs and Fern Pedestal, United Novelty Works.
Interior, Queensboro Corp. 14 East 41st., Hand Carved Fireplace and Mantle.
Interior, Rosenberg, Inc. 16 East 52nd St., Hand carved Door.
Interior, Rosenberg, Inc. 16 East 52nd St., Hand Carved Door.
J. Nikolaus Restaurant, 99 Second Ave. Interior, Second Floor Dining Room Fireplace.
Interior, Residence, 10 East 79th St., Fireplace.
Interior, Register Office Street Floor, United Novelty Works.
Interior, Looking Down on Stairway Well, United Novelty Works.
Interior, Residence, 10 East 79th St., Casements and Seat.
J. Nikolaus Restaurant, 99 Second Ave. Interior, One of the Windows.
Interiors, Queensboro Corp., 82nd St. and Polk Ave., Jackson Heights, L.I., Fireplace and Nook.
J.R. Keiser.
[Man carving mask.]
Drawing Rooms, Private Residences.
[Interiors, Olcott, Bedroom.]
Keiser's, 11 E. 19th St.
French Line, S.S. "Lafayette" (Later Named S.S. "Mexique") First Class, Mantel in Smoking Saloon.