Park; Riverside Drive, Grant's Tomb, Driving, Soldiers & S. Mon.
[Looking N.W. from 76th St. & Riverside Drive, N.Y.]
Military Band Line-up on Riverside Drive.
[Ship on the Hudson from Opposite C. K. Billings Estate on Riverside Drive.]
[Ship on the Hudson From Opposite C. K. Billings Estate on Riverside Drive.]
Parade, Prince Louis of Battenberg visit to New York.
Resting & Watching - Riverside Drive, 1896.
Bicycling, Riverside Drive at the Clermont.
Horses, Mr. W. Trevor, Riverside Drive, Central Park.
Riverside Drive and Express Highway Looking Towards George Washington Bridge, New York.
The Hudson from Riverside Drive
Waterfronts, New York Bay and Sky Lines, Ice Flow.
Waterfront - Recreation Pier 1901 North River at 129th St.
Riverside Drive, New York. North from Viaduct
Residence, Erlich (Dry Goods?) on the Hudson.