Exchange Place and Broadway. Chase National Bank building
320 Broadway at the corner of Pearl Street. Citizens Central National Bank.
92 West Broadway at corner Chambers and Hudson Streets. Irving National Bank.
Spring Street and Broadway, southwest corner. Corn Exchange Bank
Wall Street at the N.E. corner of William Street. Bank of New York and Trust Co., detail of basement stories.
70 Broad Street at the corner of Beaver Street. American Bank Note Building.
Broad Street at the S.E. corner of Beaver Street. Consolidated Stock Exchange.
48 Wall Street. Tops of Bank of New York Trust Co. and National City Co.'s buildings.
55 Cedar Street. U.S. Mortgage and Trust Co., general interior, in Mutual Life Building.
American Exchange National Bank
270 Broadway at Chambers Street. Chemical National Bank. Interior
48 Wall Street at the N.E. corner of William Street. Old Bank of New York interior.
55 Wall Street. National City Bank Co., entrance
48 Wall Street #48 at the N.E. corner of William Street. Old Bank of New York.
195 Broadway at the corner of Dey Street. New York Telephone and Telegraph Building. Detail of basement stories.
1819 Broadway at the N.W. corner of 59th Street. Formerly Gotham National Bank.
[American Exchange National Building.]
Canal Street and Broadway, southwest corner. National City Bank. Entrance detail
Wall Street at the N.W. corner of William Street. Bank of America, entrance.