[935 Park Avenue at 81st Street, S.E. corner. Apartment buildings, exterior.]
81st Street at the S.W. corner of Park Avenue. Watercolor rendering of apartment house.
Park Avenue at the S.W. corner of 81st Street. Apartment house.
78th Street at the S.W. corner of Park Avenue. Watercolor rendering dated 1916.
Park Avenue at the corner of East 54th Street. Apartment house, watercolor rendering.
784 Park Avenue at the S.W. corner of East 74th Street. Ramondo Apartment House.
81st Street at the S.W. corner of Park Avenue. Finished building.
850 Park Avenue at the S.W. corner of 77th Street. Apartments, general exterior.
81st Street at the S.W. corner of Park Avenue. Progress view [of construction].
540 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 61st Street. Apartment house.
525 Park Avenue at the S.E. corner of 61st Street. Apartment house.
11 West 81st Street. Brownette Apartments.
410 Park Avenue. Apartment house, watercolor rendering.
Madison Avenue at the S.W. corner of 67th Street. Apartment house.
West 85th Street at the corner of West End Avenue. Apartment house, watercolor rendering by Brigden.
[West 81st Street and Columbus Avenue. Apartment building.]
West 51st Street and 5th Avenue, S.W. corner. Apartment house.
West End Avenue at the S.W. corner of West 88th Street. Apartment house.
935 Park Avenue at 81st Street, S.E. corner. Apartment buildings, exterior.
530 Park Avenue at 61st Street, S.W. corner. Apartments, general exterior.