Beach Lovers
Subway Lovers
Unity Rally
Sammy's Bowery Follies
[Jean Stapleton as Inez and Mildred Dunnock as Mrs. Constable in "In the Summer House".]
Russian Ball, New York City
Russian Orthodox Fund, New York City
[Looking at the southeast corner of Duane and Greenwich Streets.]
[Hotel Mercer, 99 Prince Street, across the street from Fanelli Cafe.]
[29th Street façade of the Gilsey House, 1200 Broadway.]
[Bayard-Condict Building, 65-69 Bleecker Street.]
[Garibaldi monument in Washington Square.]
[142 Greene Street.]
[West Building, General Theological Seminary.]
["South Pacific" theater still.]
[Washington Square.]
[New York Mercantile Exchange, 2-6 Harrison Street.]
[481 Broome Street.]
[Spring Street and Broadway.]