[Savannah S.S. Line]
Dock of Albany Lines, Desbrosses Str. ferry house
[Fort Lee Ferry]
[Canal Street between Laight and Varick Streets]
Fort Lee Ferry, Foot of Canal St. 1882.
[Battery Park near State Street.]
Unloading Stone for the Sea-Wall of the Battery
Church of the Strangers
Baxter Street, near Five Points
St. Ambros Church, Cor. of Prince and Thompson St.
State Str.
Battery Park.
67th St. and 9th Av. Squatter Village
116th St. 5th Av.
McCombs [Macombs] Dam
Hamilton Grove
Old Brewery in Five Points
Hall of Records
116th Str. 5 - 6 Av.
117th Str. between 5--6 Av