Broadway and 35th Street. R.H. Macy Co.
R.H. Macy & Co., 34th St. & Broadway.
West 34th Street. R.H. Macy and Company Store. Annex on 34th Street
Broadway between 34th and 35th Street. R.H. Macy Store, from West 35th Street.
[R. H. Macy & Co. annex on 34th Street.]
Broadway between 34th and 35th Streets. Macy's.
West 34th Street and Broadway. Office of R. H. Macy
34th Street and Broadway. R.H. Macy's Store.
West 34th Street. R.H. Macy and Co. Store. Annex on 34th Street.
R. H. Macy & Company, Inc., Broadway and 34th Street.
Broadway and 34th Street. Saks store.
R.H. Macy & Co.
34th Street, Showing Macy's and the Empire State Building, New York City.
[R.H. Macy & Co. Spanish rooms.]
9 West 34th Street. James McCreery and Co. Store.
7th Avenue and 34th Street, N.E. corner. R.H. Macy and Co. annex, under construction.
From 18th Floor of Nelson Tower Looking S.E. at 34th Street