Importers and Traders Bank. President's office, 3rd floor.
Grand Army Plaza and Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn Public Library, 3rd floor clerical office partitions.
United States Post Office, Parcel Post. Interior of 2nd and 3rd floors to show brickwork
Manhattan Club, Hall on 3rd Floor.
5th Avenue and 43rd Street, 3rd Floor. Lefcourt National Building. Manhattan Bond and Mortgage Co., Mr. Greenfield's office.
Auchincloss house, 3rd floor bedroom.
11 West 53rd Street. Museum of Modern Art. Interior, 3rd floor
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, boudoir, 3rd floor.
North 3rd Street. Austin Nichols Co.
229 Broadway. Woolworth Building, Barclay Street Side Wall, 3rd Window From West Corner, 2nd and 3rd Floors [Showing Brosseau's Tailor Shop.]
1285 6th Avenue. Equitable Life Assurance Society, Honeywell machinery computers, 10th floor.
E-J Construction Co., partition in their office.
5th Avenue and 43rd Street, 3rd Floor. Lefcourt National Building. Manhattan Bond and Mortgage Co., Mr. Cohen's office.
Wall Street. Brown Brothers Bank Building, detail view of plaques on 3rd floor exterior
Westchester Avenue and 3rd Avenue. Teitelbaum's Furniture Store ground floor interior.
3rd Avenue and 177th Street. Metropolitan Tobacco Co. interior.