The Body of the Martyr President, Abraham Lincoln
The Assassination of President Lincoln
The Capitol at Washington.
Atlas til Friherre Klinckowstrom's Bref om de Förente Staterne.[Frontispiece of Atlas til Friherre Klinckowstrom's Bref om de Förente Staterne.]
Executive Offices at the White House.
Order of the Procession [of the funeral of Abraham Lincoln.]
[Photomontage of an Ocean Liner on an Aerial View of the Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.]
Metropolitan Railroad
Flyglarna af capitolen i Washington år 1819
Death of President Lincoln.
Columbia College & Carver Barracks Hospitals [Letterhead.]
"Titanic" Disaster. Report of the Committee on Commerce United States Senate Pursuant to S. Res. 283
Third Annual Convention of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform
Washington and Lincoln.
[The production staff and cast of "The White House" at the White House.]
Weddings, Roosevelt (Alice) - Longworth (Nicolas).
Girl Interns