39 East 69th Street at the corner of Park Avenue. Arthur Curtis James residence.
39 East 69th Street. Arthur Curtis James residence. Interior, dining room
69th Street at the N.W. corner of Madison Avenue. General exterior.
[Park Avenue and 69th Street.]
12 East 69th Street. Residence.
Park Avenue at the N.W. corner East 79th Street. White residence.
East 69th Street and Park Avenue. The Arthur Curtiss James House.
701 Park Avenue at East 69th Street. Union Club
Residence, Commodore James, 69th St. & Park Ave.
75th Street at the N.W. corner of Park Avenue. Anderson Residence.
900 Park Avenue at 79th Street, N.W. corner. Hoyt residence.
602 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 64th Street. Residence.
701 Park Avenue at East 69th Street. Union Club. Entrance
900 Park Avenue at 79th Street, N.W. corner. Hoyt Residence.
540 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 61st Street. Apartment house.
[Lexington Avenue and 69th Street.]
990 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 79th Street. White (?) residence, entrance.
19 East 69th Street. Residence.
32 East 69th Street. Residence.