26 East 54th Street. Ira Barrows Jr.
9 East 54th Street. [Charles Boyd] Curtis residence.
9 East 54th Street. [Charles Boyd] Curtis residence, library.
9 East 54th Street. [Charles Boyd] Curtis residence, music room.
12 East 54th Street. Kleinbergers Art Galleries.
9 East 54th Street. [Charles Boyd] Curtis residence, parlor.
60 East 54th Street. Hotel Elysee
17 West 54th Street. Apartment.
17 East 54th Street. [Apartment buildings, exterior.]
118 East 54th Street. Apartment building for sale.
140 East 54th Street. Medical Chambers
9 East 54th Street. [Charles Boyd] Curtis residence, dining room.
118 East 54th Street. Apartment house, main lobby.
130-34 East 54th Street. St. Peter's Parish House.
40 East 54th Street, southeast corner. Hotel Weylin
54th Street and 6th Avenue. Ziegfeld Theatre.
140 East 54th Street. Medical Chambers. Interior, lobby
East 54th Street and Park Avenue, northwest corner. Construction view
26-40 West 54th Street. The Dorset. Artist rendering
[Gallo Theatre, 254 West 54th Street.]