Street Scenes - 1926. West 69th St. So. Side - East of Columbus Ave.
[320-322 West 107th St. N.Y.]
Hospitals, N.Y. Foundling Hospital, Roof Playground.
N.Y. Foundling Hospital, 68th St., Operating Room.
Buildings, "Eldorado" 302 Central Park West & 91st St. N.Y.
Street Scenes - 1926. E. 96th St. No. Side Bet. Park & Madison Aves. [Van Cortlandt Apartment House .]
12 East 69th Street. Residence.
Street Scene, 1899, 5th Ave. & 61st St. (Gerry House).
8th Ave. and 59th St. N.Y.
Street Scenes - 1897, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 65th St.
West 69th Street and Central Park West. The Brentmore Apartments
225 West 69th Street. Roosevelt Court Apartment House.
Street Scenes. Fifth Avenue, Northeast Corner of 66th Street (Res. of Mrs H.O. Havemeyer), About 1901. 1 East 66th Street.
Street Scene - 1901. Fifth Ave. - South from 66th St.
Residence, Commodore James, 69th St. & Park Ave.
House of Commodore James.
Street Scenes - 1902. W. 44th St. No. Side - W. from 5th Ave.
The N.Y. Foundling Hospital -- Hall -- Excercises.
Street Scenes, 1905, Fifth Ave. 59th to 60th Sts. from West 59th St.
East 69th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]