[Heckscher Building, Fifth Avenue and 57th Street.]
Street Scene Fifth Avenue Looking South from Between 57th & 58th Sts. Showing Intersection at 57th St.
[30 East 10th Street.]
Street Scene Fifth Ave. South from 57th Street.
[Heckscher Building, Fifth Ave. and 57th St., New York.]
Bird's Eye View, S.E. from 57th Street & 5th Avenue.
Bird's Eye View, S.W. from 57th Street & 5th Avenue.
Second Avenue between 10th-11th St. [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
[Looking North along Fifth Avenue & Central Park from Heckscher Building, 57th St.]
Street Scenes, 1897-8, Fifth Ave., 57th to 59th Sts.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 57 to 56 Sts.
Broadway Near 57th Street.
Fifth Avenue and 57th Street [Fifth Avenue, 57th Street to 101st Street]
Sutton Place and 57th Street.