Buildings, Clarendon Building, 215 Fourth Avenue.
[Heckscher Building, Fifth Ave and 57th St. New York.]
[Canadian Pacific Building, 342 Madison Ave., New York.]
[79 Madison Ave.]
[415 Lexington Ave.]
[Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest 42nd St. & Madison Ave.]
[Lyceum Theatre, Fourth Ave. Bet. 23rd & 24th Sts., 1896.]
[Railroad Building & Loan, Lexington Ave. and 44th St.]
[341 Madison Ave.]
[Carbide and Carbon Building, Southwest Corner 42nd St. & Madison Ave.]
[Knox Building, Fifth Ave. and 40th St., New York.]
[52 Vanderbilt Ave.]
[Heckscher Building, Fifth Ave. and 57th St., New York.]
[Buildings, Loan Building, 437 Lexington Avenue.]
[RCA Building.]
[Four Twenty Four Madison Ave.]
[Railroad Building & Loan, 441 Lexington Avenue.]
[Heckscher Building, Fifth Avenue and 57th Street.]