34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., entrance vestibule looking out.
34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., entrance view looking across lobby.
34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., detail of entrance.
34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., working space, view looking in.
34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., working space looking out.
34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., general exterior.
34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., board meeting room.
34 Whitehall Street. Furness, Withy and Co., private office on 2nd floor.
[34 Whitehall Street.]
[Whitehall Street.]
1 Whitehall Street. General exterior view looking N.E., 2 Broadway in background.
50 Broad Street. A. Lippe and Co., entrance lobby.
70 Pine Street. Cities Service Building. Interior, entrance vestibule staircases
State Street and Broadway and Whitehall Street. One State Plaza Building, corner of State Street, Broadway, Whitehall Street, general view from south.
70 Pine Street. [60 Wall Street] Cities Service Building. Interior, entrance vestibule staircases