Westchester Avenue and 3rd Avenue. Teitelbaum's Furniture Store ground floor interior.
3rd Avenue near 150th Street. Piser Bros. Furniture Store interior.
2174 3rd Avenue. Michigan Furniture Co.
Westchester Avenue at the corner of Simpson Street. Riker's Drug Store interior.
[180th Street and 3rd Avenue.]
[Westchester Avenue and 3rd Avenue.]
809 Westchester Avenue and 158th Street. Burland Casino interior showing ceiling.
3rd Avenue and 177th Street. Metropolitan Tobacco Co. interior.
Livingston Street and Hanover Place. Spear & Company, furniture store
[Southeast corner of 3rd Avenue and Westchester Avenue.]
166-02 Jamaica Avenue at 166th Street. Spear & Company, furniture store
[Northeast corner of 3rd Avenue and Westchester Avenue.]
3rd Avenue and 150th Street. McCrorey Building [McCrorey & Sons 5 and 10-cent Store on the ground floor].
59th Street and 3rd Avenue. Bloomingdales, ground floor windows.
Bedroom suite at 3rd Avenue studio.
Store and Office Building. 1001 to 1007 3rd Avenue
3269-71-73 3rd Avenue. Buildings.