The rear room in the top floor of 55 Baxter Steet in which Mrs. Nino was murdered -- since deserted. On May 23, the splash of blood on floor and walls was there yet.
"The Sun never enters here."
[Street Scene.]
Arch under the first rear tenement at 55 Baxter Street leading to the second rear, with stairs up which Vincenzo Nino went to murder his wife in 1895. House believed to be haunted.
Shoemaker working in a house in the yard of 219 Broome Street, which the landlord built when the sanitary police put him out of the basement. Clatterpole sticks up through his house. Rent $12 a month.
36-36 1/2 Baxter Street as the place was before the rear tenement was torn down by Board of Health in 1897 under the Tenement House Law.
Bottle Alley Mulberry Bend in its worst days, picture used as evidence in murder case -- cross on stairs shows where murderer stood and did shooting.
[Lower East Side Street Scene.]
Nibsy's Alley at 47 1/2 Crosby Street, torn down in the Fall of 1895.
Scene on the Roof of the Mott Street Barracks
It costs a Dallar a Month to sleep in the Sheds.